• Kobe Philosophy Seminar Series (4): Metaphysics of Consciousness


Kobe Philosophy Seminar Series (4): Metaphysics of Consciousness

Kobe Philosophy Seminar Series (4): Metaphysics of Consciousness

Date: Friday, 12th July 2024
Location: Room B235, Department of Humanities and School of Letters, Kobe University


  • 10:00 am - 11:10 am
    • Talk: 'Magicalism' as an Alternative to Panpsychism
    • Speaker: Eleena Takashima, Durham University
  • 11:20 am - 12:30 pm
    • Talk: The Lamp that Illuminates Itself: Consciousness and Inner Awareness
    • Speaker: Nicholas Silins, Cornell University

Contact: Snow (xue.li@unsw.edu.au)

This workshop is supported by Project Innovative Ethics and KAKENHI Grant Number 24H00808 and 21K0001.