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Faculty Members

YAMAMOTO Hideyuki, (Professor) [KUID]

Personal Background

YAMAMOTO Hideyuki earned his B.A.(1986) and M.A.(1989) at Sophia University. He did his research as a visiting scholar at University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) in 1998-99. He has taught at Kobe University since 1996, and was promoted to professor in 2011.

Fields of Specialization

He majors in American literature and drama, especially 20th and contemporary literature and drama. His current interests include Asian American literature, drama, and culture.

Selected Publications

  • The Student Companion to Asian American Literature. Kyoto: Sekaishiso-sha, 2011. (co-edited book).
  • Asian American Drama: the Dramatic Representations of Masculinity. Kyoto: Sekaishiso-sha, 2008. (single-author book)