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Faculty Members

OKUMURA Hiroshi, (Professor) [Webpage] [KUID]

Personal Background

HIROSI Okumura received his B.A. (1983), M.A. (1985) .(He had job at Kyoto University from 1986 to 1991. In 1991, he became a member of Kobe University.

Fields of Specialization

Japanese History
Japanese Modern history Study of historical materials

Selected Publications

  • •The Role of Universities in Passing on Memories of Major Disasters,and Reserch Activites,”Akihiko Hokugo/Yuka kaneko(eds.),Community-Based Reconstruciton of Society(Sprinager,2017)
  • •Japan's Development as a Nation-state(The National Committee of Japanese Hisorians[Historical Studies in Japan Ⅷ 1988-1992(Yamakawa Shuppansha,Ltd.1995)