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Faculty Members

TANAKA Tomoko, Ph.D. (Associate Professor) [KUID]

Personal Background

TANAKA Tomoko earned her B.A.(2011), M.A.(2013) and Ph.D.(2024) from the University of Tokyo. She worked for Shikoku University from 2017 to 2024 before she moved to Kobe University in 2024.

Fields of Specialization

Heian-period Japanese literature

Nara-period Japanese literature

Selected Publications

  • “A study on the waka poem of Sone no Yoshitada“ Chuko bungaku. 2023
  • “A study on the waka poem of Otomo no Yakamochi” Jodai bungaku. 2023
  • “Kokin waka rokujo and The Tales of Ise” Kokugo to kokubungaku. 2022