HOME > 講演会・シンポジウム > 【7月12日(金)開催】言語学コロキアムのお知らせ




[日時] 2024年7月12日(金)15:00~16:30 頃まで
[場所] 神戸大学人文学研究科
    A棟1階 学生ホール(キャンパスマップ[96])

[発表者] Toshiyuki Ogihara (University of Washington)
[タイトル/アブストラクト] Te aru as a semi-passive resultative construction: toward a formal semantic analysis

   The aspectual morpheme - te aru behaves like the passive morpheme -(r)are in that it generally requires a transitive verb and the object of the verb is promoted to the subject. Another characteristic of this construction is that the resulting sentence semantically marks the new subject as having acquired a resultant state of the event in question. These generalizations have exceptions, however. In some rare instances, - te aru attaches to an intransitive verb such as neru ‘sleep’ to indicate an abstract resultant state acquired by the subject entity ( yoku ne-te aru ‘have slept well and am ready’). In addition, this construction does not necessarily promote the object of a transitive verb to the subject; the object could keep the same accusative case marker (- o ) even when this morpheme is attached to the verb. When this happens, the subject is usually omitted and the resultant state is still be associated with the -o marked nominal (e.g. (# watasi-ga ) osyokuzi-o yooisi-te arimasu ‘the meal is ready’). I shall attempt to provide a formal account of the complex data associated with this construction.

Selected references
Jacobsen, W. (1982). Transitivity in the Japanese Verbal System. Indiana University Linguistics Club, Bloomington.
Martin, S. (1975) Reference Grammar of Japanese. Yale University Press, New Haven, Conn.
Miyagawa, Shigeru (1989) Structure and Case Marking in Japanese, BRILL.
Ota, Akira (1971) “Comparison of English and Japanese with Special Reference to Tense and Aspect,” Working Papers in Linguistics 3, No. 4, Department of Linguistics, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, 121–64.
