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Sociocultural theory course: cultural resources

Cultivating students who contribute to sociocultural formation through investigation and analysis of the dynamics of modern society with fieldwork as a primary research method, elucidating within an international framework the various issues of contemporary society as well as those which surround the transformation of specific local or model cultures, from a perspective that highlights the interrelation between social structure and cultural form.

About the Program

Our department is engaged in empirical and applied research on cultural resources and cultural properties. In partnership with two leading museums, the Yamato Bunkakan and the Nara National Museum, our students are be able to learn practical museum management and methods of cultural heritage preservation. Furthermore, by learning cutting-edge scientific survey methods and engaging in research on cultural heritage on-the-ground at a number of different locations, we facilitate broad scholarship and adaptability in our students, skills that are helpful in networking both information and contacts. As such, we cultivate students who have the high level of knowledge necessary to thrive in cultural heritage preservation and administration, whether at museums, art galleries, or in local government.