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Literature Course: Chinese and Korean Literature

By researching classical texts and developing solid language skills, our students develop analytical skills that will allow them to pass on our literary heritage to the next generation and become bridges between cultures.

About the Program

The focus of our research is the literature, language, and cultural background of our neighboring countries, China and Korea. Our goal is to make bold and original interpretations while remaining grounded in the primary texts. Our students’ diverse research themes range from classical poetry and novels to modern/contemporary literature, and students write their theses freely based on their interests. Our small program has a welcoming atmosphere, and we boast a robust international exchange program. We encourage our PhD students to proactively present their research at academic conferences and symposiums on- and off-campus and even overseas while writing their dissertation.

Academic Staff

Faculty Name Fields of Specialization
HAMADA Maya, Professor Modern Chinese literature
PARK Jong Woo, Professor Japanese-Korean Comparative Culture
LIU Ping, Special Associate Professor Classical Chinese Philology
HAYAKAWA Taiki, Associate Professor Classical Chinese Literature