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History Course: European and American History

In our programmes, students develop their research skills based on empirical analyses: textual research and fieldwork, which enable them to understand human behaviour from the past to the present historically and to engage proactively with the formation of history and culture in Japanese and international society.

About the Program

With four full-time academic staff, our course enables students to study aspects of European and American history in depth, from Antiquity, through medieval and early modern Europe, right up to the World History in the present day. We also help students to develop their ability to understand Europe’s relationships with the U.S., Asia and Japan, especially in the modern world. In our course, students acquire the skills to analyse primary sources and to summarise and analyse previous research and theories, and acquire a broad knowledge of European history, enabling them to locate their research in a broader academic context.

Academic Staff

Faculty Name Fields of Specialization
TAKADA Keiko, Professor Medieval Italian History
KOYAMA Keiko, Professor Early Modern French History
SATO Noboru, Professor Ancient Greek History
FUJISAWA Jun, Associate Professor Cold War, Modern Germany, Eastern Europe, and Russian History


Last Update : 2024/10/29